
My mother has some 'splainin to do

I have yet to mention my very dear Kiwi pal, N, on my blog, so I think now's the time to share my story.

I started reading the forums on Knitters Review regularly a few years ago. I was particularly intrigued when someone suggested doing a secret pal-type of program, where we would sign up and send/receive knitting-related gifts. What a great idea, I thought, and what an even better idea to volunteer to be a pal to an international knitter! You see, I lived in Australia as a teen, so I was anxious to see if I could get matched up with an Aussie. . .

...I was given a New Zealander for my pal, which is pretty close, considering how many people signed up, etc. I had a great time doing all of the recommended activities--I set up a dummy email account to send anonymous messages, I asked questions about her preferences, and shared stories about my knitting and non-knitting life. My pal was fabulous from the get-go. She was responsive to my emails, was very funny, and appreciative of the gifts I sent.

It wasn't long into our correspondence that we started to suspect one of our mothers of foul play...there's no way we could have so many things in common and not be related. You want examples? We both love the TV show "Bewitched." That should be proof enough right there, but there's more! We both have major, major gift-giving excitement that makes it difficult for us to keep gifts until their "give dates." We both have major, major, major gift-receiving excitement, making it nearly impossible to "not open until December 25." We have similar neuroses (I won't list them here, out of respect for N, of course). We have similar hobbies, above and beyond knitting. Honestly, we must share a gene or two. My mother denies it, but we say there's something fishy going on here.

So, to make a long story just a smidge shorter, I'll sum it all up by saying that I'm thrilled to have met N, and can't think of a better pal to have. We haven't been "secret" pals for more than a year, but we enjoy each other's friendship so much that we've decided to do our own gift-giving program (limited to a membership of 2), which has been a great deal of fun. What started out as a knitting friendship has become much more--we share our lives through our email and now she's reading my blog, so I hope she happens upon this entry and enjoys reading about how glad I am that she's my pal.

(Granted, I still can't stand waiting for my packages to reach the other side of the world so I can write and ask "did you like it?" but that's okay--I'll get used to it...eventually.)


At 9:00 PM, Blogger Nerdy Knitter said...

But the crucial question is still: did my parcel arrive?!?!?


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